Discovery Group Format


Discovery Groups use the same simple, repeatable format for every meeting. Each of the questions below links to a PDF with more details when you click:

  1. What are you thankful for this week?
  2. What has challenged or stressed you this week?
  3. Do you or anyone you know have a need that this group can meet together?
  • Have 2 people read the Scripture passage out loud, ideally in 2 different translations.
  • Have at least one person retell it in their own words (let the group fill in any other important details).
  1. What does this passage teach us about God?
  2. What does this passage teach us about people?
  3. What will you do this week in response to this passage?
  4. Who will you share with this week? 

After the first week, each gathering begins with these obedience-based, accountability questions: