Prayer Calendar

On each day of this downloadable monthly calendar template (PDF), write the name of a family member, friend, neighbor, co-worker, or anyone else you feel led to pray for—30 or 31 people in all.

  • Note in each box whether that person is actively walking with Jesus (A), not actively walking with Jesus (N), or you’re unsure (U).
  • On the day that corresponds with each name, text that person in the morning something along the lines of: “This is the day of the month that I’m praying for you. Let me know if there is anything specific you'd like me to pray for. ”
  • Pray for them as you send the message, and then again if/when you get a response.

As you re-connect with the same people each month, we look forward to seeing and hearing what God will do in their lives and with your faithfulness in 2022!

Here are some additional resources to help you integrate the prayer-calendar tool into your disciple-making lifestyle—especially if the Spirit is stirring your heart to begin praying for people far from God in your community and around the world.

Prayer calendar:
Pray for 7:

Local: Bless Every Home:
Local: Streets of Prayer/Pray for Seven:
Global: Unreached of the Day: